Monday, May 14, 2007

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We Catholics can not be on the left ... The true meaning of Family Day

Some people do not need any comment ... do everything by themselves:) the usual
Marco Travaglio - Sing Charter of May 14

The Family Day After / 1

'C' is an attack on the Union Church and the family. Catholics left a living contradiction insuperable: it is not can be both Catholics - and thus on the Doctrine of the Church - and to the front with those on the other side. We say no to caricatures of marriage. " (Silvio Berlusconi at the Family Day, May 12, 2007) .

Berlusconi . Marcello, let's start the year hurt!
Dell'Utri . Why does it hurt?
Berlusconi. Why should they be two [girls-AG] of "Drive In" that have made us the bin! And even Craxi is out of the grace of God!
Dell'Utri . Ah! But what do you care for "Drive In"?
Berlusconi. What do I care? Then end up not fuck anymore! If it does not start the year, no more fucking!
Dell'Utri . Okay, in short, going to fuck somewhere else!
Berlusconi. Look, says Fedele [Confalonieri, nda] you have to sacrifice (...). You must come here!
Dell'Utri . No, imagine!
Berlusconi. Provided that the tits are tits! Rigged especially good tits! (...) Thank you, hello Marcellino!
Dell'Utri . A hug, even Veronica. Hello!
Berlusconi. Same to you and your wife hello.
(telephone call intercepted by the Guardia di Finanza on the phone of Villa Arcore - where Berlusconi is celebrating the New Year with Fedele Confalonieri and the then Prime Minister Craxi - in proceedings bankruptcy against Marcello Dell'Utri. Milan, at 20:52, 31 December 1986) .

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