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"The Alitalia case now returns to the government. This will be discussed today at Palazzo Chigi, the majority before the summit convened for lunch. The 2004-2006 industrial plan for Alitalia provides for the full resumption of economic equilibrium in 2005. The company headed by Francesco Mengozzi ended 2003 with losses of more than 400 million. For 2004 it is expected the 'substantial operating balance'. Of about 22,000 employees, the three-year plan foresees 2,700 job losses. At the Council of Ministers last week, Prime Minister Berlusconi has admitted that an examination of the situation of Alitalia "is absolutely necessary to tighten the time, but the solution is not easy." Yesterday, the board of directors of the company has officially written to the government asking for support measures. The issue will be addressed today by the government before the summit of the majority. The League leader Bossi argued that the company's three-year plan must be changed otherwise, he said, 'in six months bringing the books in court'...".(Corriere della Sera, February 17, 2004) .
"No fill for Alitalia. Yesterday, the day that the government is waiting for clear guidance on how to overcome the crisis, the only change has come from unions. A general strike will block the air transport sector on March 5 next (...). "We are working on many things - said yesterday the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, before facing the breakfast di lavoro con la maggioranza - Non è colpa nostra se ci sono tanti problemi che il governo deve affrontare perché sono eredità del passato" (...). Al termine, il premier ha esibito un certo ottimismo: 'Per fortuna di Alitalia c'è il signor Silvio Berlusconi che impiegherà il suo talento per risolvere un problema che altri non hanno saputo risolvere'. Ma di Alitalia ieri non si sarebbe parlato. Il tempo stringe".
(Corriere della Sera, 18 febbraio 2004) .
"Malgrado la recente promessa del premier Silvio Berlusconi d'impiegare il proprio 'talento' per resolve the impasse, Alitalia action yesterday did not cost more than 25 cents (-1.61%). On the same day, Air France, an ally beyond the Alps, has announced third quarter results better than expected, with operating income jumped to 61 million compared to EUR 2 million in 2002. And to make matters worse, a new plan for a billion of savings to be achieved by 2007, will allow the French company to deal with the exchange offer with KLM in the second half of March. Few reports but some of the French stock exchange has awarded a record increase of 4%. In contrast to what happens in Italy, where the flag carrier, by dint of not decide, in danger of dying. " (Corriere della Sera, February 19 2004) .
"begin to operate because the operation might fail and Alitalia in anticipation of having the responsibility of government I'm sure we'll get a positive result: I now that I'm in the field, this thing is done. I've been on the sidelines until now . I have left to do in this government that has done the worst possible. "
(Silvio Berlusconi,, March 21, 2008) .
"A few minutes ago I told a colleague: 'Alitalia do or die', now I remember 'Up Alitalia'...".
(Silvio Berlusconi,, March 21, 2008) .
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