I'm free! I have lost the political consciousness! Long live the studio! Quote
Mi sento strano
il governo è caduto, sta per tornare al potere, presto o tardi, Silvio Berlusconi, il più becero, ladro, mendace, imbroglione, piazzista, corrotto, faccendiere, intrallazziere, nano, mafioso, arraffone, ipocrita, fasullo ecc ecc uomo d'Italia che ha dato il nome al mio blog, ma NON ME NE FOTTE PROPRIO
guardo ormai con indifferenza e sdegno i TG, i Porta a Porta varii, sento parlare questa manica di stinking who represents us in Parliament, and ME damn balls!
are indifferent to the celebrations of the servants of Silvio, who celebrate the famous cucumber dell'Ortolano that comes back with force.
I'm sorry just a bit for Prodi, Di Pietro Fassino, great personality which I admire the honesty (real and intellectual)
stoned I'm studying political awareness and civil, I do not care any more, I have reached the last stage of the "Politics is all a magna magna! "
That's great, I think I get about 50 years, instead of the big day has arrived first ...
I wonder ... will be for life?
Or fall in tunnels in the next election campaign?
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