Il titolo sopra finisce con una domanda, che penso secondo il mio personale parere, chiunque si sia avvicinato o abbia pensato di aprire un blog per guadagnare qualcosa, si sia posto una domanda e cioè "diventare blogger in Italia conviene?". Questa domanda nasce dal fatto che in Italia il panorama dei blog , non è ancora molto diffuso, few people in our country earn very much, even if the application in question is very common in online forums. Pro bloggers to major players now are just the Americans, who became rich sent different advertising and affiliate own blog, making it become a small oil well digitally, thus monetizing their ideas.
The gist of this blog post is that of living in Italy is a dream still far away, and also because I think that is what the reason is that in Italy, read the blog as an information source is a custom still far from our daily habits. The average den reflects the information as the primary source, yet the newspapers which among other things continue to live a platform paper, in a nutshell, we are still behind both technologically and mentally, if we can make a comparison is a little more advantage to the publishers, bloggers are defined as such, but it is not because while pubblisher only has the responsibility to assemble the information bloggers should think about creating them, must be the author of traffic, be consistent with what he writes, and it must not only share with his readers and motivator of itself is not easy. In fact, one of the main problems of us aspiring pro bloggers is just that, the little traffic we throw down easy and then you have to have a strong motivation and basic search to never give up, to achieve a goal that we set as a result finale.Ma a motivation that can push us to keep writing and have it arrive as a result of living with your blog, I think it is a dream all, create an income from their thoughts, and this is the gear you need to get going, even if the gain is minimal and it is from an affiliate program or contextual advertising, it is always a gain proviente the content of our ideas, is something fantastic, and the best thing, that until some time ago, to express their thoughts had to be a journalist Ofari part of a newspaper, magazine, paper source, however, to enjoy the ability to write what you think, but not enjoying a full libertà.Mentre from this point of view, the blog allows for more freedom without the review of any director or manager who may have intentions to censor an article more uncomfortable, that's why the Internet offers freedom and truthful reporting and free.
By Schiavone Ubaldo
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