Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wedding Card Greetings Messages

Realizzazione siti internet, un investimento utile per le aziende o solo denaro wasted?

A growing number of business owners who wonder, unfortunately, still today if the realization of websites is a worthwhile investment for your company. We will answer this question, publishing some statistics Audiweb.

Audiweb is the subject of filmmaker and distributor of data on the audience.

Its primary objective is to provide objective and impartial to the market, quantitative and qualitative, on the use of systems and via the Internet using the appropriate means of detection.

"According Audiweb growing population of Italians who use the Internet, which has become a passion. The network used to inform, entertain, communicate and play. According to the latest report Audiweb are 24.7 million Italians who are connected to the Internet at least once in November, 10.7% more than in November 2009. The number of those who connect to the Internet using the Web on an average day is 12.5 million people between women and men, with a navigation average of 39 minutes per person and 75 page views. The data also show that the main age group of those who access the Internet is between 35 and 54 years to follow that between 25 and 34 years. "

you still have doubts about the importance for every company ( large and SMEs), to be present? Today the construction site has become something indispensable for an understanding of your company, products processed / produced.

Internet is a window to the world and who does not face as soon, it will be out.

For Communication 360 ° C3 a website should meet the real needs of the customer, identifying with the client: objective, target and mission.

* The website should be attractive,
* must be distinguished from the competition,
* should represent the company
* needs to be simple to use and easy to navigate.

They said C3 Communication 360 °

"We approached the owner of Vincenzo C3 communication to achieve our e-commerce, given the results achieved by Pasticceria Palummo. Volevamo che il sito si posizionasse nei motori di ricerca ... sapete com' è finita? dopo pochi giorni dalla pubblicazione il sito è già nelle prime posizioni con molte parole chiavi. Grazie tantissimo di tutto. "

Adriana Craciun titolare

di Bluestar s.r.l.

"Un sito web molto elegante, posizionato su google con diverse parole chiavi e assistenza h24 cosa chiedere di più? Grazie Vincenzo"

Francesco Di Paola titolare del
Ristorante AL MOLINO

"The thing that most impressed us by Vincenzo is certainly the availability, ability and desire which makes this work. We are very pleased with the Website design, which represents very well our restaurant business. With thanks Vincenzo C3 Communication to 360 ° "

Gianluca owner of La Spiga Ristorante Pizzeria


C3 Communication 360 ° is a web agency to Catania, specializes in vision. A young company that deals with web search engine placement, grafica e realizzazione siti web.

Lo staff giovane e preparato e quotidianamente informato sulle novità e sugli sviluppi del web.

L'obiettivo aziendale è quello di realizzare servizi web in grado di accontentare i clienti ed i fruitori del web.

Note sull'autore
Vincenzo Arcidiacono Ufficio Stampa
C3 Comunicazione a 360°
cell. +39 320 19 53 795


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