Silvio Berlusconi, Veronica and women: 10 years of gaffes and jokes with the women from forzaitalia ROMA - "Vedo laggiù in prima fila rappresentanti of high aesthetic level. You know you are in love with my wife, but I have not lost their sense of well-known beauty and extraordinary legs moving. And, Mr. President Fisichella, do not light. "A phrase spoken by Silvio Berlusconi at a meeting of An, and can be regarded as an effective key to the interpretation of his thoughts on women, and especially on his wife, Veronica Lario.
And the light of which must therefore be read all the famous and less famous gaffe of the president than on his wife's alleged affair with Massimo Cacciari, that "to Veronica, who goes to the funeral, Silvio", the 'confession' on ' seduction 'of the Finnish president. That cost him a diplomatic protest government official in Helsinki, but who cares? In an interview in 2004 with Laura Laurenzi
Republic on the question 'Do you think you like women?' the answer was a very classic 'I ask the women'. On the other hand, stresses the official biography of Berlusconi as a student "raised some envy your good taste in clothes, the word easy, the halo of success with girls."
"I love France and continues to love her - Berlusconi once said - Just count the girlfriends that I had." But it is also a husband 'in love', testifies to the great surprise party (with resounding gift) to Marrakech at the last birthday of his wife. On the other hand, Veronica knows 'being in place': "I respect the choice of my wife who wants to make the mother of my children, and she is very good," says serious who asks him why on official occasions is almost always alone . It ensures that there is the wife behind his choices: "I did not want to do the lifting. I was pulled in to do that. And 'Veronica was pushing me to do the lifting." But she denies: "The lifting was her idea." And the pacemaker has given "blame" to the family.
The love story begins with Veronica Lario says Berlusconi himself in his official biography, when he sees her play the Manzoni in Milan. "I heard a thunderbolt, but there was a storm." Veronica leaves the theater, the married, have three children, are an ideal couple. Also from the biography: "For his three children, mother Veronica chose the Waldorf school (which 'prohibits' kids television, ndr)". "Silvio Berlusconi has always had a cult devoted to the family and the family as long as they can to steal the work." The harmony of the couple is also confirmed in the rare interviews with Veronica.
It is not affected, at least until today, the many 'characters' of the President. From that delivered in an economic forum, that "it must be competitive with the girls," that at Cacciari. In 2002, the press conference held at the meeting with Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, and very handsome young man, Berlusconi said: "Prime Minister Rasmussen is the most beautiful in Europe. I think to present it to my wife because it is more beautiful than Cacciari. With everything that is said around ... Poor woman ...". And Rasmussen says in English that dazed smiles with a wink: "You do not know the history. I'll tell you after ...". "I do not understand what it means. It seems to me a total nonsense," replied shortly after Cacciari, interviewed by journalists.
Veronica chooses to ignore the question, merely observed some time after her daughter Barbara is a student at the University of Cacciari in Venice. Similar attitude towards all the other 'characters' of her husband. Once Alessandra Mussolini Berlusconi blurts out: "Throw it away ...". At Yespica in 2005, before the "I'd go anywhere with you" a few days ago, call in a meeting with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. "Dear Hugo, you step your a fan of ..." (Proving to all that you have the phone number of the beautiful Venezuelan). The then German chancellor Schroeder says, "Let's talk about football and women ...". And then: "Tu, per esempio, Gerhard, che hai avuto quattro mogli, cosa ci puoi dire delle donne?".
A Brescia in occasione delle elezioni amministrative del 2003 afferma che "Viviana Beccalossi è più brava che bella. Il contrario di Rosi Bindi". Poi però, trascinato dall'entusiasmo, urla: "Forza Viviana, fagliela vedere". "Lì per lì non me ne sono accorta", commenta imbarazzata la Beccalossi.
In occasione di una visita ufficiale in Ungheria consiglia ai giornalisti di farsi dare dal premier ungherese "qualche buon indirizzo". Dell'immobiliarista Stefano Ricucci dice: "Macchè povero Ricucci, ha una something we all envy him! ", alluding to his wife Anna Falchi.
When to vote against the prime minister shares rose ensure that they acted" in self-defense, some members have done the calculations: already risked a lot by switching to proportional representation, then if any three of us bring a lady ...". On the other hand loses no opportunity to ensure that "we the ladies, especially beautiful in Parliament, we like very much." Ombretta Colli says: "Vote eye shadow: it is Brava, is a bela tusa and sings well. "And the FAO welcomes in particular" the beautiful delegates. "Finnish President Tarja Halonen With ensures that" he dusted off the playboy skills "to bring the authority alimentare a Parma. A Mosca nel 2004 in occasione di una visita ufficiale mette in imbarazzo Putin ostinandosi a baciare un'operaia della Merloni che aveva fatto di tutto per evitare le sue effusioni.
Non perde occasione per fare i complimenti ad attrici, conduttrici, veline. In occasione di una serata di gala di due anni fa con la moda italiana a Palazzo Chigi i giornali riportano una lista di frasi galanti: "Gli occhi ringraziano" a Debora Salvalaggio, seconda classificata a Miss Italia, "Bella, bellissima, che meraviglia, complimenti" a Miss Roma. Fino alla serata dei Telegatti, e alle frasi rivolte a Micaela Biancofiore e Mara Carfagna, e che hanno offeso Veronica Lario: "Sono brave e belle, Carfagna and ... Look, if I were not already married to marry me. "
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