Sunday, December 9, 2007

Timeline Of Lorraine Hansberry

It 'really Russia? (Email Putin Vote)

Today I received an email from an address unknown to me, whose title was:
Vote Putin
do not know the source, if it is a hoax or a semi-serious call to signal degradation Russian, anyway, here it is: Our

pls help in brothrs RUSSIA

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Tiffany Granath, Hardcore

Blob opens up your mind. Seeing is believing

Often in life, while we try to solve a problem, there stunningly wrong paths. This is due to the fact that, with specific rules, forget the big picture of things.

Sometimes change point of view.

get an overview of the life of current events, issues, helps a lot. For this
Blob is a fun and light transmission, asks questions but does not sell out the truth.

The combination of pieces of advertising programs of televised garbage sometimes opens the mind.

try it.
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Friday, July 13, 2007

Coupons For Camera Films

Gelor0x ^ ^ Now & FoReVaH! hello cousin

What's the point now write about politics, now that you are not there more to comment, to question everything, even the undeniable?
many important things suddenly become useless, background, trivial.

After the pain is just a rage filled, infinite, a desire to break everything.

I can not do with a reason, maybe there is a reason, you seem to be left for a vacation.
does not seem possible that his cousin "uncle in America" \u200b\u200bthat I (we) have always protected, carried around, grown, there's more.
You went away just as you lived, your style, aggressive, arrogant in the world, causing quite a stir. It only remains for us to remember your leaders, your plays, your stationery, your gestures, your advice, your fixed.

and a lot of great anger.
cousin Bella.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Irish Sayings Wedding

But in reality what force Italy? Stolen

What force Italian after all?
is not a party, is an organization of people who calls himself a party, but never makes a conference, you do not organize the discussion, but perhaps only "parties" paid by someone (the candidate of the moment) with beautiful music and people dressed for good but for the rest? forzisti you define the "party of freedom, but freedom, grace, to do what? what did the Democratic Party that? is a movement founded and clinging on a person's life ... and I think this person wants to rule as I wanted to climb Mount Everest on the toes. This person now has nothing more to ask from life. Now is "saved", in 5 years there has been placed, you will enjoy old age. She just has to braying every hard to keep lit the hopes of those who wheel around him, who moves to keep it in a position of demi. It seems to me that a party in which the choices are imposed from above than any other party, but they attach to the parties "enemies" the practice of brainwashing. These people do not realize instead that they are all equal, all have the same preconceived ideas and empty, no holds logical without underlying motivations, no nothing. There is nothing easier than to displace a forzista: just get to the bottom of the question, just go into the test and immediately forzista to change the subject, says disconnected words such as "Family Day is an event secular "or" DICO in there was the possibility of gay couples to adopt children (????). "As soon as an appointment forzista the word" communist ", is baffled. Think about it.
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Sunday, May 20, 2007

South Park Fishstick Free

few years ago I won a contest at school literature (none of that!) writing a "news" very soon, titled "Stolen We " which among other things, wrote in a subject in class and the teacher asked me to present it in this contest. The theme of the track was more or less: "Describe a childhood experience."

The motivation for my first (hehe) was:
For the originality and "verve" narrative, as well as to the validity of the message.

I suggest the text that I found by chance a few days ago ... I only changed a couple of conjunctions and prepositions (of up to from in between with one) tell me what you think, even if you think it sucks.
PS not so much I wanted to win, as I said the text showed up almost by accident, but the satisfaction of having beaten brick absurd about love, about friendship, Sept. 11 and all the ills of the world (with a history true tral'altro!): D We

"Come on move!" "Faster, snails!" Those two were just putting the soul.
That night had been like many others, like any other summer evenings, a chat, a stroll along the promenade, ice cream eaten in a hurry. Nothing that went outside the ranks, we had fun or very excited. An evening that is well within the piattitudine of that period, but it was Summer, a period that should be fun. And that boredom with Stephen and Daniel just did not go down. On the way back home, around midnight, we were discussing this and not, when the two suddenly found themselves dissatisfied with the group before the opportunity for fun: the transgression. Just saw it, they understood immediately that the object would become the goal of the evening goal to reach at any cost. The rest of the company did not like the idea, there was going to risk something for fun. But Stephen and Daniel were determined, confident, and they would do, would have taken possession of that object. Nimbly jumped over the barrier protection and prudent behavior goes up under the eyes of the sleeping city. And before our eyes, inert and stupefied. Instantly grabbed the loot and lifted him up, and came back to the bar for protection. It was then that we realized that the level of adrenaline was sky: they were excited and have fun as I had ever seen. With great surprise I noticed that two other of the gang ran to help, sollavare the "prey" to take her to safety. And then two more. There were seven that evening. And I just stood there, silent and observe. I felt alienated, and then I went to their increasing pace, and I helped them. I felt a sense of pleasure and happiness that was growing inside me. We walked for a while ', hiding the loot with our bodies, surrounding it. The more I thought, the more I wanted to laugh. We were totally taken by what we were doing. But the real emotion, one that upsets you, that troubles you, making you feel like a bomb ready to explode, had not yet arrived. We were close to our shelter, the place where we would feel safe and satisfied in our act "heroic", as heard in the distance a car to get there, honking wildly. He ran towards us. Our faces, our arts, our hearts are petrified. We, the boys well, caught stealing. They were endless moments, in which we became aware of stupidity committed. Arrived at our side of the car stopped, there were four or five guys inside, perhaps drunk, drunk or otherwise, to us, mumbled something and went as they had arrived: running like crazy.
After this fear we feel stronger, safer, zinc, almost ecstatic. We reached our meeting place, our kingdom. Posammo ground the object of desire, I hid in the bushes. We looked into his eyes. We had stolen. But we did not feel guilty, or were afraid. We felt relaxed and happy, and yet, we had stolen. Everything was started as a joke, the idea for two of us who wanted to break. Whether you call youthful dissatisfaction, desire for transgression, you say that young burn stage of life too fast, we just care. We had stolen. Two of the group it had affected five. It was a sign that we were weak, we felt strong, but it was an appearance, we were not at all. We had stolen. The next day, reviewing, reflecting, we talked and we decided: we would have reported that shopping cart in grocery store parking lot.

Dario Palumbo, III AND
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Monday, May 14, 2007

Diabetes Symptoms More Condition_treatment

We Catholics can not be on the left ... The true meaning of Family Day

Some people do not need any comment ... do everything by themselves:) the usual
Marco Travaglio - Sing Charter of May 14

The Family Day After / 1

'C' is an attack on the Union Church and the family. Catholics left a living contradiction insuperable: it is not can be both Catholics - and thus on the Doctrine of the Church - and to the front with those on the other side. We say no to caricatures of marriage. " (Silvio Berlusconi at the Family Day, May 12, 2007) .

Berlusconi . Marcello, let's start the year hurt!
Dell'Utri . Why does it hurt?
Berlusconi. Why should they be two [girls-AG] of "Drive In" that have made us the bin! And even Craxi is out of the grace of God!
Dell'Utri . Ah! But what do you care for "Drive In"?
Berlusconi. What do I care? Then end up not fuck anymore! If it does not start the year, no more fucking!
Dell'Utri . Okay, in short, going to fuck somewhere else!
Berlusconi. Look, says Fedele [Confalonieri, nda] you have to sacrifice (...). You must come here!
Dell'Utri . No, imagine!
Berlusconi. Provided that the tits are tits! Rigged especially good tits! (...) Thank you, hello Marcellino!
Dell'Utri . A hug, even Veronica. Hello!
Berlusconi. Same to you and your wife hello.
(telephone call intercepted by the Guardia di Finanza on the phone of Villa Arcore - where Berlusconi is celebrating the New Year with Fedele Confalonieri and the then Prime Minister Craxi - in proceedings bankruptcy against Marcello Dell'Utri. Milan, at 20:52, 31 December 1986) .

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Monday, April 30, 2007

Off Road Buggy Free Plans

Berlusconi acquitted! .... ?

Charter of Sing Marco Travaglio of April 30, 2007
"will not go into the merits of Berlusconi's ruling, but the assessment that I can do as a minister in the late drama with which it came."
(Clemente Mastella, Minister of Justice, Corriere della Sera, April 29, 2007).

"I've been waiting 12 years, and now justice at last arrived, although with so much delay. It was time, I could not really more ... Justice must be reformed, there may take 12 years to be acquitted. " (Silvio Berlusconi, Corriere della Sera and Il Giornale, 28 April 2007).

" Why were so many wasted years? ". (Paolo Bonaiuti , FI, Corriere della Sera, April 28, 2007).

"For 12 years, the man Berlusconi has been accused and abused in ways Nille. (Gaetano Pecorella, FI, Il Giornale, 28 April 2007).

"The final outcome of the SME trial comes 12 years after the survey, after six changes to the law (letters rogatory, false accounting, settlement expanded, reasonable suspicion, immunity, without appeal), 2 Supreme sections together to say no to the reasonable suspicion against the Milanese judges, three rulings by the Constitutional Court, a Supreme territorial incompetence, 3 failed challenge to judges, two ministerial actions, 2 investigations Perugia and Brescia pm on Boccassini and Colombo (later filed). (Luigi Ferrarella, Corriere della Sera, April 28, 2007).

If by chance someone interested in a nice summary of the story in question, the here .

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Monday, March 12, 2007

Installation Of Floor In Aluminum Boats

This blog is not an SMS! And the Italian is not an option!

Segnalo una simpatica iniziativa che ho trovato in giro:

Questo blog non è un essemmesse!

E' una sorta di "manifesto" contro le brutture stilistiche derivanti dall'accidia umana sulla tastiera!

Leggo su Wikipedia: Accidia indica l'avversione all'operare mista a noia e indifferenza.

Non mi viene termine migliore; la maggior parte dei bloggers stupra l'Italiano per noia, ma anche per l'indifferenza al gusto di scrivere bene, in tutti i sensi (lessico, grammatica e sintassi).

Molti, pur volendo, non saprebbero neanche scrivere decentemente!

Io tento Always write in correct Italian, with no abbreviations or SMS from atrocities such as "year had," "we," "I know" and so on. etc.. (Atrocities that meet very often on the net!)

So I welcome the initiative, hoping to make converts: D

Questo blog non è un essemmesse!

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Monday, March 5, 2007

Business School Baseball Cap

Wind does not abolish the up charges ... and I shall eliminate her!

For 6 years I used the Wind, for 6 years I have sponsored friends and relatives, quoting as the best company regarding the charges.

now refuses to abolish charging costs for older people (will be abolished only if you activate a new card)
To avoid paying the heavy tax will need to switch to an alternative in the new prices (higher of course) If, within a few days
not settle this crap, I will turn to another operator

Wind Hello, you lost a customer.

Update: The Wind extended to all its customers the ability to make refills at no extra cost, simply remove the refill from 5 euro!
It was saved just in time:)

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Peace Sign Room Seatings tells you who has blocked you and steal your password ...

Molti amici mi hanno contattato su MSN dandomi la MERAVIGLIOSA notizia che esiste un sito che ci dice quali contatti ci hanno bloccato o eliminato dalla loro lista...

Il sito in questione vi chiede contatto e password di accesso ad MSN, non so se realmente espleta la funzione tanto decantata , ma sicuramente entra in possesso della vostra password di accesso, ed in più vi cambia il nickname, utilizzandolo per farsi pubblicità con un link a .

Io credo che il fine ultimo (e principale...) di questo sito sia solo generare traffico attraverso la pubblicità "virale" (il cambio the nickname that appears in all) and nothing more (I have to say that the idea is "innovative").

not think it is a project of some subversive group that has been dug up millions of passwords, delete all the contacts ... fattostà that, in those who were tested, immediately change your password!

PS I do not know that matter (I do not care) but to find out who has blocked or deleted you on MSN you can use many other plugins, we remind all StuffNG Plug-in

You are free to copy or link this article where you want ... I ask for? to leave the signature and the link! what I liked, since there? I write but not copy it è frutto del mio cervellino
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How To Put A Floor In Aluminum Boats

I'm free! I have lost the political consciousness! Long live the studio! Quote

Mi sento strano
il governo è caduto, sta per tornare al potere, presto o tardi, Silvio Berlusconi, il più becero, ladro, mendace, imbroglione, piazzista, corrotto, faccendiere, intrallazziere, nano, mafioso, arraffone, ipocrita, fasullo ecc ecc uomo d'Italia che ha dato il nome al mio blog, ma NON ME NE FOTTE PROPRIO

guardo ormai con indifferenza e sdegno i TG, i Porta a Porta varii, sento parlare questa manica di stinking who represents us in Parliament, and ME damn balls!

are indifferent to the celebrations of the servants of Silvio, who celebrate the famous cucumber dell'Ortolano that comes back with force.
I'm sorry just a bit for Prodi, Di Pietro Fassino, great personality which I admire the honesty (real and intellectual)

stoned I'm studying political awareness and civil, I do not care any more, I have reached the last stage of the "Politics is all a magna magna! "

That's great, I think I get about 50 years, instead of the big day has arrived first ...
I wonder ... will be for life?
Or fall in tunnels in the next election campaign?

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Prospective Covering Letter

forecast the duration and Government! Bet you too!

hour and half ago to the statements of Foreign Minister D'Alema have been rejected in the Senate in favor
158 (a quorum was 160)
136 against 24 abstentions

My humble opinion:
D'Alema announced that if had not been approved the government's foreign policy, the government would fall, or better way to re-launch as a leader of any new government (for more undeniably pleasing to Berlusconi)

comes the time of the vote: All or almost the Senate on foreign policy today is okay, that tantevvero Calderoli initially proposed a motion in which says
"The Senate, after checking the continuity 'of the line of foreign policy so far adopted by the government even in the community' Atlantic approves it."

Basically it is a defect of form ... The parties called maximalist voted the motion except for 2 people. The motion was approved by a decent majority, but it was not quorum. All agreed on the same thing, but not have approved it. From point out the great opposition of FI, AN, who in order to bring down the government does not approve the foreign policy that is equal to their previous.

After the ritual declarations of vote, abstentions "consistency" of someone (2 senators PRC), the betrayal of someone else (the obese De Gregorio) the work of government is rejected.

is interesting to note that everything goes as planned:
1) The centrists want a reshuffle, a "Grand Coalition", a government similar to the penta dear that for years has ruled and ruined Italy.
2) The right to demand the government resign and new elections. They meet in a hurry by Berlusconi, who at the CDL insegerà how to credere che al paese che il governo è caduto, è abusivo ecc ecc.
3) PRC,PDCI, Verdi chiedono un tavolo di discussione.
4) Prodi salirà a riferire al Quirinale.
5) I TG partono con edizioni straordinarie, e danno come al solito voce ai politici, che ogni giorno ci massacrano gli attributi con le loro idee.

Ora ecco le mie previsioni con relativa quote (tanto per buttarla a discorso da "BAR SPORT")

Il governo, che seppur tra tante difficoltà e stenti, e omissioni sulle aspettative del popolo, sta facendo benino :
a) NON CADE - 1.70
b) NON CADE e D'Alema si dimette - 1.60

Si avrà un nuovo governo:
c) With a rimpastone-style centrist - 4.00
d) a result of new elections - 8.00
d1) if so Berlusconi's victory is given to 1.40
PS I would vote Antonio di Pietro in If new elections!

I hope that this government will not fall ... Italy needs continuity and reform.

reforms are progressing at a snail's pace ... but it's still better than nothing ... more alternatives when there are none.

look bets: D

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Monday, February 19, 2007

New Dragonball Doujin

Graphical User Interface - Pixel Percettivi

Other than Aero, Compiz, and other interfaces Pleistocene! This is a graphical interface! (PS who remembers that there is such a film?

More info here
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Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Jeff Hardy's Halloween Costumes

Even idleness wants its share - 1

Even idleness wants its share ...
Here are two wonderful link to the cazzeggiano pure.

Lasse Gjertsen - a mad genius Norwegian

A flash videos, stupid, crazy, useless, but hypnotic and fun thanks to


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Friday, February 2, 2007

Top 10 Things To Write In A Wedding Card

The Wonders of Google Earth - The giant penis

(ANSA) - London, 31 January - With the herbicide 2 years ago drew a giant penis (6 meters) on the lawn of their scuola, ma un satellite li ha scoperti.

Ho provato a cercare tale "fallo" in rete... ho trovato su Google Earth questo luogo
Sinceramente non mi sembra che si trovi a Bellemoor nè tantomeno nell'Hampshire, ma effettivamente il pene c'è...
Sto pensando a come e dove lasciare la mia firma per Google Earth ... magari in maniera meno cafona...attendo consigli...

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

M Toy Cubefield Phone Version

Silvio Berlusconi, Veronica and women: 10 years of gaffes and jokes with the women from forzaitalia

ROMA - "Vedo laggiù in prima fila rappresentanti of high aesthetic level. You know you are in love with my wife, but I have not lost their sense of well-known beauty and extraordinary legs moving. And, Mr. President Fisichella, do not light. "A phrase spoken by Silvio Berlusconi at a meeting of An, and can be regarded as an effective key to the interpretation of his thoughts on women, and especially on his wife, Veronica Lario.

And the light of which must therefore be read all the famous and less famous gaffe of the president than on his wife's alleged affair with Massimo Cacciari, that "to Veronica, who goes to the funeral, Silvio", the 'confession' on ' seduction 'of the Finnish president. That cost him a diplomatic protest government official in Helsinki, but who cares? In an interview in 2004 with Laura Laurenzi Republic on the question 'Do you think you like women?' the answer was a very classic 'I ask the women'. On the other hand, stresses the official biography of Berlusconi as a student "raised some envy your good taste in clothes, the word easy, the halo of success with girls."

"I love France and continues to love her - Berlusconi once said - Just count the girlfriends that I had." But it is also a husband 'in love', testifies to the great surprise party (with resounding gift) to Marrakech at the last birthday of his wife. On the other hand, Veronica knows 'being in place': "I respect the choice of my wife who wants to make the mother of my children, and she is very good," says serious who asks him why on official occasions is almost always alone . It ensures that there is the wife behind his choices: "I did not want to do the lifting. I was pulled in to do that. And 'Veronica was pushing me to do the lifting." But she denies: "The lifting was her idea." And the pacemaker has given "blame" to the family.

The love story begins with Veronica Lario says Berlusconi himself in his official biography, when he sees her play the Manzoni in Milan. "I heard a thunderbolt, but there was a storm." Veronica leaves the theater, the married, have three children, are an ideal couple. Also from the biography: "For his three children, mother Veronica chose the Waldorf school (which 'prohibits' kids television, ndr)". "Silvio Berlusconi has always had a cult devoted to the family and the family as long as they can to steal the work." The harmony of the couple is also confirmed in the rare interviews with Veronica.

It is not affected, at least until today, the many 'characters' of the President. From that delivered in an economic forum, that "it must be competitive with the girls," that at Cacciari. In 2002, the press conference held at the meeting with Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, and very handsome young man, Berlusconi said: "Prime Minister Rasmussen is the most beautiful in Europe. I think to present it to my wife because it is more beautiful than Cacciari. With everything that is said around ... Poor woman ...". And Rasmussen says in English that dazed smiles with a wink: "You do not know the history. I'll tell you after ...". "I do not understand what it means. It seems to me a total nonsense," replied shortly after Cacciari, interviewed by journalists.
Veronica chooses to ignore the question, merely observed some time after her daughter Barbara is a student at the University of Cacciari in Venice. Similar attitude towards all the other 'characters' of her husband. Once Alessandra Mussolini Berlusconi blurts out: "Throw it away ...". At Yespica in 2005, before the "I'd go anywhere with you" a few days ago, call in a meeting with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. "Dear Hugo, you step your a fan of ..." (Proving to all that you have the phone number of the beautiful Venezuelan). The then German chancellor Schroeder says, "Let's talk about football and women ...". And then: "Tu, per esempio, Gerhard, che hai avuto quattro mogli, cosa ci puoi dire delle donne?".

A Brescia in occasione delle elezioni amministrative del 2003 afferma che "Viviana Beccalossi è più brava che bella. Il contrario di Rosi Bindi". Poi però, trascinato dall'entusiasmo, urla: "Forza Viviana, fagliela vedere". "Lì per lì non me ne sono accorta", commenta imbarazzata la Beccalossi.

In occasione di una visita ufficiale in Ungheria consiglia ai giornalisti di farsi dare dal premier ungherese "qualche buon indirizzo". Dell'immobiliarista Stefano Ricucci dice: "Macchè povero Ricucci, ha una something we all envy him! ", alluding to his wife Anna Falchi.

When to vote against the prime minister shares rose ensure that they acted" in self-defense, some members have done the calculations: already risked a lot by switching to proportional representation, then if any three of us bring a lady ...". On the other hand loses no opportunity to ensure that "we the ladies, especially beautiful in Parliament, we like very much." Ombretta Colli says: "Vote eye shadow: it is Brava, is a bela tusa and sings well. "And the FAO welcomes in particular" the beautiful delegates. "Finnish President Tarja Halonen With ensures that" he dusted off the playboy skills "to bring the authority alimentare a Parma. A Mosca nel 2004 in occasione di una visita ufficiale mette in imbarazzo Putin ostinandosi a baciare un'operaia della Merloni che aveva fatto di tutto per evitare le sue effusioni.

Non perde occasione per fare i complimenti ad attrici, conduttrici, veline. In occasione di una serata di gala di due anni fa con la moda italiana a Palazzo Chigi i giornali riportano una lista di frasi galanti: "Gli occhi ringraziano" a Debora Salvalaggio, seconda classificata a Miss Italia, "Bella, bellissima, che meraviglia, complimenti" a Miss Roma. Fino alla serata dei Telegatti, e alle frasi rivolte a Micaela Biancofiore e Mara Carfagna, e che hanno offeso Veronica Lario: "Sono brave e belle, Carfagna and ... Look, if I were not already married to marry me. "

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cibutramina In The United States

Mysteries. it! What do you mean?

Apart from the fifties and sixties, we must turn to the years of Fascism to find great architects at work.

Walter Veltroni, presentation 'Capitol 2', Rome 29 January 2007

exact words I find on the Home Page of the site of Forza Italy ... but I do not know what they mean in the sense ... ... why put them on the site? anyone has any idea ? you can indulge in the most daring interpretations ...

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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Driver Nfa-01a Vemmax

The Wonders of Google Earth - 1

Use Google Earth for "browsing" our planet by a strange feeling of "power" and domination of the world;
We feel we can turn the master of the globe far and wide while sitting in his slippers in front of our pc.

Lately I spend my spare time (very little!) Passing from one continent to another, without a goal, to observe the African villages, big cities American, but also the Irish countryside or the Russian steppes.

Now all the amenities scoverò report it personally, or found on other sites:
begin with a set of photos taken by plane (and therefore high-definition, representing groups of animals in Africa! you must install Google Earth , and download and open this file

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