Sunday, September 12, 2010

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Bye bye Blog. Consumo Meno chiude.

Gli addi non mi vengono mai bene pertanto vedo di farla breve. Aprire un blog è stato molto bello. Mi è servito all'inizio, da finto metodico che sono, per far ordine nelle cose. Poi ho scoperto che condividerle con voi è stato ancora più affascinante.

Ho scoperto però che è anche molto impegnativo nella sua gestione. Ricercare, sperimentare, scrivere, analizzare, rispondere, conoscere, salutare, incontrare, ...

In questo periodo mi sto concentrando di più alla vita "reale" e meno a quella "virtuale". Sto aumentando la percentuale di vegetariano che c'è in me (non lo sono ancora al 100%), spread the word of PV between those who know me, I enjoy the weekend outdoors with my family, I read more than usual and I have narrowed significantly the time to the PC.

Currently closed but the blog will remain online until at least still arouse interest.

I do not make lists of friends to thank: Thanks to those who wanted to spend a few minutes of his life going from here, who helped me, who has linked to me, who has just read, who commented, who I met and who not me never born (this category does not exist of course but I put it to give some credibility to the list).


(PS to those who wonder how that turned out the history of television .'s Unveiled a compromise: it is true that I have not bought a new TV but I have not given up on seeing her. Just my brother has given its used:-D)

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I fondi etici collocati sul mercato italiano

I still can not comprehend the fact that ethical funds that have signed are all productive in interest income. I never tire of repeating how my small investments made in the past with banks 'traditional' I have always led the losers and, among other things, insisting on the very type of fund to choose.

What are the ethical funds talked about that. However, there are only funds Ethical Bank (or better Etica Sgr ). A guide attached to the weekly LIFE shows us all the ethical funds operating in the Italian market. I quote here a list of all the funds in the Italian market, reminding you that you do not need an account with the bank that issues the fund to join. Surely, however, find that your bank there are ethical funds may be easier to adhere to many moving part, if not all, of their savings (small or large).

Needless continue to profess in word peace, lovers of the environment and against the exploitation of child labor if they do not do even the slightest effort to adhere to these types of savings that certify the ethics of the fund and invest only in states and / or companies which guarantee certain ethical parameters.