Monday, March 29, 2010

Mount And Blade Unlocker

emerging markets Western, where should you invest?

man there is an innate aversion or at least a strong resistance to change, due to several factors. The main ones are: laziness, habits and above all fear of the unknown.
The face new roads is perceived as risky e mette in moto processi mentali che, con l'abbandono di modelli già ben sperimentati , allontanano l'individuo da quello stato che Maslow ha individuato come un bisogno assolutamente primario: la sicurezza.
Partendo da quest'assunto come potrebbero far eccezione le scelte inerenti alla gestione di quel bene così fondamentale , il denaro?
Ed è per questo motivo che, a dispetto della logica e della razionalità, si tende a reiterare le proprie scelte anche quando appare sufficientemente chiaro che non sono le più profittevoli e probabilmente neanche le più sicure.
Il risparmiatore italiano, ad esempio, detiene tuttora una buona parte dei 1650 miliardi del progressivamente crescente debito pubblico dello stato denominato in Bot , Cct , Btp , Ctz e nel momento in cui decide di investire nei mercati azionari tende, nonostante un'economia interna al momento Tutt 'nothing but brilliant, prefer to buy shares rather than Italian funds or other countries. If nothing else because know them, hear about the news and seems to have his money close, under control.
Those who chew a bit 'of finance are well aware that this is an illusion.
This attitude we are not alone, as in other countries, the United States in mind, we continue to focus what is known, even if better if home is not absolute the best choice.
Not to mention the Japanese case, where the 8000 billion public debt to 90% are in the hands of the citizens of the Rising Sun , among other remunerated at a rate substantially zero.
This (non) choice is, at least at the moment and until we change the economic outlook compared, heavily penalizing for Western investors in the domestic markets, both in terms of performance and risk.
In fact, if we compare the Western world and emerging countries we notice a trend that sees more and more obvious to the first:
- Economies in crisis and little reactive
- abnormal and growing public debt
- chronic budget deficit
- low interest rates due to the need to stimulate the economy and contain the same time the financial burden on the debt.
diametrically opposite is the framework of the latter, in essence we are faced with two opposing worlds.
One-consuming (even beyond its capabilities), and therefore produce little s'indebita. The other fast-growing economy, which consumes even a little, save a lot and pays generously money, is that taken a loan to invest in productive activities.
The surplus of wealth that does not consume, it offers taken the consumer world, boosting his earnings to be increased by capitalization of interest active.
Coming so also the side benefit of keeping all competitive ' exchange their currencies, which otherwise would appreciate for negotiations due to new capital entrants in the face of exports.
Add to this, that while the emerging countries (which are actually already "emerged" while Westerners are with "the water in the throat") are mostly ruled with great attention to the financial dynamics (to be seen measures the Chinese authorities to prevent the formation of bubbles), the policy makers West have so far managed superficiality (especially in the U.S.) monetary policy and liquidity markets up to the outbreak of the financial crisis of 2008.
And even now the monetary policies of developed countries (or white?) Are not impeccable, as we have a system awash with liquidity in a short time will eventually generate inflationary pressures , compared to economic growth and still very doubtful probably of little effect.
And as if all this were not enough, especially in emerging countries of Latin America, Russia and the Middle East, holding large quantities of raw materials , the whose prices are steadily rising.
We Finally, in terms of perspective, the potential for economic growth of nations like India and China in terms of domestic consumption the moment, as though embryonic implemented, will increase the standard of living of their peoples.
We are still at the beginning of an epochal change, such as to generate significant opportunities for those who will seize.
But to do this will require the courage to leave the shell.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Best Blunt Rolling Machine

Solare termico: meglio i pannelli piani o quelli sottovuoto?

Esistono principalmente due tipologie di pannelli solari termici che vengono offerti sul mercato: i pannelli piani e quelli a tubi sottovuoto (per approfondire sulle tipologie di pannelli: wikipedia ) . Quando ho acquistato i pannelli solari nel 2007 non mi ero fatto molte domande. Mi era stata presentata la tecnologia dei pannelli sottovuoto e mi sono affidato a loro. Insomma, quando sboccia l'amore non stai lì a farti tante domande.
Ora Linda, anche lei della provincia di Varese, ask me on Facebook which I think are the best. I tried now, in retrospect, more information.
remember that we are talking about solar thermal (heat domestic water, the pool or for heating) and photovoltaic panels are used instead for the production of electricity.

The flat panels
plans unglazed solar panels have the advantage of being inexpensive and have excellent performance under optimal conditions of irradiation when the outside temperature is high. Due to the lack of isolation their removal efficiency decreases rapidly from optimum conditions. They are therefore suitable only for seasonal use ed esclusivamente per la produzione di acqua calda sanitaria, sono spesso impiegati nel riscaldamento delle piscine (Da Wikipedia )

I pannelli sottovuoto
Collettori sottovuoto differiscono da quelli piani per la struttura. Sono formati, infatti, da tubi sottovuoto costituiti da un doppio vetro proprio come nei comuni thermos: ciò permette di trattenere una temperatura interna molto alta, anche quando all'esterno le temperature sono basse. Sono generalmente dotati di specchio riflettente, posto sotto i tubi sottovuoto, in grado di sfruttare al massimo la radiazione solare. In questo modo una superficie piccola, come può essere quella del collettore solare, determina un grande performance. The vacuum solar collectors have been specifically designed to ensure a very high level of efficiency, not only in those countries where the climate is favorable, especially in locations where temperatures are very low (liberally from the site of ' manufacturing company of my panels). They are more expensive than flat panels.

I have no experience with flat panels. For vacuum I have to admit that they have a good efficiency even in winter when the sun is scarce. On the other hand, in warmer periods when I'm away from home for a few days I have to cover them if there is no risk boiling water. The ones I bought tra l'altro prevedono l'acqua come termovettore anziché il liquido antigelo che, mi hanno comunicato dall'azienda venditrice, oltre ad essere costoso, è anche una sostanza altamente inquinante. In caso di rotture per grandine c'è un servizio molto rapido (e gratuito) di sostituzione dei tubi (la garanzia è di 10 anni). Per evitare rotture dei tubi e al troppo sole nei periodi estivi i tecnici mi avevano avvertito che c'era anche la possibilità d'installare una sorta di serranda automatica.

So che è difficile dare una risposta secca. Qualcuno preferirà una tecnologia piuttosto dell'altra per diversi motivi: economici, geografici, etici o religiosi. Qualche opinione in più però fa always nice to get an idea.

I know that lie technicians and enthusiasts of the subject among readers of the blog. Do you have some more information to Linda. What do you recommend? Floors or vacuum?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Football Initiation Ideas

La mia cosa giusta

This year we made a stop at " Fa ' the right thing," the largest exhibition of critical consumption and sustainable lifestyles.
In these years has been a growing interest in the world recognizes that the definition of "Social Economy": a system of economic and social environment that places man at the center, trying to combine development with equity, employment in solidarity with quality and savings. More and more production companies, in fact, embark on a path of environmental sustainability and social responsibility, and at the same time, a growing number of citizens aware of the importance and strength that resides in their ability to directly and in their purchasing decisions. For these reasons , Terre di Mezzo gave birth to " Fa 'the right thing! ", an event that aims to spread the national territory" best practices "of consumption and production, creating events that communicate the values \u200b\u200bof reference of the solidarity economy and enhance the specificity e eccellenze del territorio, in rete e in sinergia con il tessuto istituzionale, associativo e imprenditoriale locale.
La fiera è aperta fino a domani, 14 marzo 2010.

Ecco quello che mi ha colpito di questa edizione...

La sfilata di Equo-à-porte r , l a nuov a collezione prim a ver a est a te di A ltromerc a to che si present a con un a f a shion-perform a nce a rtistic a che r a ccont to the a mod to equ to and solid in the . It seemed for a few seconds of living in "Green Planet . That I'm struck by a parade. But you think ... The

sneak rs Alternative Trade. They are the first shoes with Fairtrade certified cotton, soles FSC and fair trade process. Buy it now: I am green at € 32 and the low The black high at € 35. The likeable

' na biretta , that besides being very original in style is primarily a beer to rtigianale that is not subject to any process of pasteurization. This fact makes it less durable than the industry, but richer in flavor as the pasteurization lose most of the aromatics of the beer. Another important aspect is the total absence of chemical additives and preservatives, c he implies, in principle, who consumes a significant reduction of intestinal swelling and headaches.
bbona short, genuine, and not bloated tummy if eaten in moderation, helps blood circulation and does not lose points on the license (liberally from time to )

And then could not not be imprinted in the Ubuntu Cola, a carbonated soft drink, characterized by the Fairtrade Foundation certification and produced exclusively with fair trade sugar.

This struck me that instead of the 2009 ...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Retail Store Skin Rash

La iena ecologica e il pallante furioso.

You go to term. And these days I do not really want to write. But look at it. Channel hopping here and there between network TV and I saw two videos that we propose again. Two different worlds and different ways to tell one story: how to reduce our energy-consumption and live happily.

Update 9.15. I also saw ...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lumbar Radiculopathy More Condition_treatment

Public debt in western countries is becoming a problem for the economy

After the post war economic boom, which lasted even with alternate events over 50 years, now the Western world has finally realized that it is dangerous to borrow too.
The problem is that the world's largest debtors are now sovereign states, at least some of these, U.S. in head with them are in good company, Europeans PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain) or PIIGS (many included in this group also Italy).
The paradox therefore is this: those who would pursue the common good, or the rulers who succeeded one another at the top of many Western democracies, have led their nations in a situation at least spinosa (for Greece in particular is a half disaster, as evidenced by the social tensions that are exploding violently ).
But what is the maximum level of debt, in this case public bearable?
E 'should be clear that there is a unique parameter, as the oft-quoted debt ratio assumes differing connotations based on different situations of overall state budgets and the economies of various countries.
In fact, like all borrowers, both private and public, that is the notion that their debts will be renewed and possibly increased in only one case: that is, provided that creditors maintain their strong confidence in the will and ability to repay.
E because trust is an attitude , escapes by definition a mathematical rules or ragioneristiche . This is the most delicate.
From this point of view of economic events and financial in particolare degli ultimi dieci anni, non costituiscono un buon viatico.
Per brevità, e poiché sono stati sotto gli occhi di tutti, non riprendiamo questi accadimenti, ma sappiamo che è successo praticamente di tutto, tra cui il primo vero e proprio default di uno stato sovrano, l' Argentina , tra l'altro non proprio periferico.
Così come le aziende falliscono allorquando le banche non rinnovano più la loro fiducia (cioè i fidi), qualunque debitore (stati sovrani compresi) va ko nel momento in cui non vengono sottoscritti i prestiti / bonds / securities issued or to be issued.
Here because, since September 2008 or as soon as the crisis erupted, central banks are anxious about the race between them to enter a impressive liquidity in the system, just to prevent deficiency currency (as well as trust) lead to withdrawal from investments from banks, companies and sovereign states.
The first ones were (almost all) substantially saved, most of the companies and also the challenge now moves to the target more, the states most vulnerable to debt.
But here the figures become astronomical and solutions are much less simple and straightforward.
In any case, the fact remains, extrema ratio, although the illuminating surprising indication contained the evangelical Our Father " forgive us our trespasses as we forgive our debtors ", but probably Jesus in His prayer was referring to something else.