Monday, March 7, 2011

List Common Wedding Sayings

The blog name

Dear readers of the blog now has a new name.
has long felt the need, after two years, to target more the contents of this journal.
I therefore mainly, but not only ... oriented to talk about why trading today, that will please or not, has become something of a beating heart of the global financial system.
More and more banks, d ' investment and ordinary, as well as fund management companies and Hedge Fund derive from this activity their main factor fact to gain support for the economy and savings, and sometimes, as in the recent 2008, accelerating the financial crisis if not decreeing that is changing the lifestyles of most of the world.
Ignoring this phenomenon would be like to do the ostrich that hides its head in the sand and the disruption of international politics , as we are seeing these days, creating problems along with atavistic that are exploding these days (of the crisis is seen debt in several Western countries) stimuli or the need to go beyond the information given from behind the counter (bank) and try to figure out for themselves what is happening in the financial world.
Sono in corso cambiamenti epocali e molte realtà del passato sono in corso di rapida trasformazione , parlare o meglio scrivere (e leggere) di trading e di finanza può essere un modo per provare ad entrare nelle dinamiche che sempre più stanno influenzando la vita di oltre 6 miliardi di persone.
Al lettore pongo peraltro in anticipo le mie scuse, perché la mia volontà di tenere aggiornato il blog
deve far sempre i conti i miei impegni lavorativi e...spesso ha la peggio.


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